Hi Friend!
As we head into a second wave of postponements, the main concern from our planners was that they really under-estimated the time it takes to carry out these postponements.
In the beginning we were hesitant to even charge a postponement fee given the situation, and when we did charge a fee, it was so small it wasn’t covering our time. We felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. We love our brides, their situation is heartbreaking, and we wanted to honor them and be empathetic. But, the additional communication involved in a postponement is very time consuming and it was time we were not being compensated for. Spending so much time with current clients was also affecting our ability to book new clients. We really needed a better way to balance empathy and value the extra time that we are spending with clients to help postpone.
With the addition of a postponement agreement from Engaged Legal we have found a way to better value ourselves as professionals, protect our time but also serve our clients when they need it.
I’m praying for you sweet planner friends, and hope that this is helpful to you.
Remember you do not have to navigate this alone. I encourage you to sign up for the wedding planner launch guide, get access to my Facebook group and ask questions, we are here to help each other. We will get through this and we are definitely stronger together.
Always rooting for you,
Founder + Wedding Planner Mentor