Hi Friends!
Today I wanted to share an exciting new, innovative and interactive way to receive and respond to digital greeting cards and cash gifts for your wedding.
Using an app called Cander, guests can send a congratulations message via video, audio, or text message and add a cash gift for the couple . Couples can then record themselves as they view their messages and create a meaningful thank you response. The sender’s message and the couple’s reaction is fused together to create a Cander moment that is sent to both parties.
My husband and I moved after getting married, and man-oh-man this would have been a godsend back then, vs dragging our gifts across the country. I also think it’s the perfect fit for a couple who’s already got the typical wedding gifts in their home, but would love money to go toward their honeymoon or a down payment on their home.
Intrigued? It’s very simple to set up…
- Sign up through THIS LINK with mobile web or desktop.
- Create a page to share with your friends and family. You can either share the link (no-one needs to download anything) or you can integrate Cander onto your wedding website by copying Cander url and hyperlinking on your wedding site. Click here to view an example of what a wedding page looks like.
- Start collecting video messages and cash gifts. You will receive the payments in Venmo. Watch your messages and easily record your response and send a thank you note.
- Respond from the mobile app on iOS or Android (Search: Cander Greetings)
- Cash out directly to Venmo or Paypal
We’re embracing this digital age and think this is such a fun way to interact with your guests whether they are invited to the wedding or not! It’s also a meaningful keepsake to look back on in years to come.
Happy Planning!
Founder, Chancey Charm
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