Sounds too good to be true? We feel you ladies, your pre-wedding excitement will make it hard to sleep well before your wedding no matter what! But with a little thought and practice, you can ensure you wake up well rested, refreshed and relaxed on the morning of your most special day. How? We’re sharing our favorite tips below.
Cheers, friends!
Tips For How To Actually Sleep Well Before Your Wedding
- You may think it will be fun to be surrounded by all your best girl friends the night before your wedding (like one final sleepover before you’re a Mrs.), but the commotion of having all your bridesmaids with you may cause stress and lack of sleep. To sleep well before your wedding, try to surround yourself by one, maybe two girls (or even just your mom and/or sister!) that will calm any nerves and let you relax before your big day.
- If you do decide to have a select few ladies spend the night with you the night before, make sure if you are booking a hotel room or sharing space with your friends or family that you have your own bed, and preferably your own room!
- We also recommends splurging on some nice, new PJs or sheets to be extra cozy and sleep well before your wedding! And don’t forget a cool, dark room is best for sleeping.
- Practice! Give yourself a bedtime starting a few weeks before the wedding. An hour before you’re supposed to turn in, shut off all electronics – their light can affect the part of your brain that tells you when it’s time to go to bed – and start getting ready. Just the act of winding down and putting on PJs can put your mind in a more restful state and counteract some of those pre-wedding jitters!
- Pamper yourself with a little lavender to sleep well before your wedding. Whether it’s a luxurious, fizzy bath bomb or just some essential oils on a washcloth right before bed, let the naturally relaxing scent help you unwind and prepare for a peaceful night’s sleep. I love using this bath bomb and these bath salts to help me unwind.
- Avoid drinking too much at the rehearsal dinner, and maybe even the week leading up to your big day too to sleep well before your wedding. Most people think a drink will relieve stress and help you fall asleep, but studies show that too much alcohol can actually hinder your ability to stay asleep and sleep well. Plus, you’ll want to wake with a clear head for your wedding day!
- During the week leading up to your wedding, consider avoiding eating anything new (especially at your rehearsal dinner). You never know how new foods will sit with you, and that’s even more true for those with food allergies or a sensitive stomach.
- Stay on top of your work to dos and social obligations so that you don’t have a ton to do the weeks leading up to your wedding. You’ll want to avoid those restless nights tossing and turning because you’re thinking about your to do list.
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